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Only 20 percent of Danes will give extra millions to King Frederick.

DR-Inland in Denmark

Thursday, May 30, 2024 • 7:35 AM UTC - in Denmark

Danish Royal House ( )


Only 20% of Danes will give King Frederick extra millions


The Royal House is set to receive an additional 17 million DKK annually, according to the government. However, Danes are not on board with this, as shown in a survey.

Queen Margrethe previously received approximately 94 million DKK in state subsidies. The government plans to give King Frederick and his court 123 million DKK. In total, the Royal House is expected to receive 143.8 million DKK, according to the proposed legislation. (Photo: © Ida Marie Odgaard, Ritzau Scanpix)

By Maja Lærke Maach ( [email protected] ) 19 minutes ago

Today, the Danish Parliament is set to vote on the government's bill, which aims to provide the Royal House with a significant financial boost to cover expenses such as electricity bills, state dinners, salaries for ladies-in-waiting, cleaning staff, special advisors, and other royal duties.

The government has proposed that the household budget for King Frederick moving forward should include an additional 17.3 million DKK.

This would bring the total annual subsidy to 143.8 million DKK.

The government also plans to provide an additional 29 million DKK in 2024.

It is expected that the Parliament will approve this bill today during the third reading of the legislation.

Also read: Will the Royal House receive 17 million DKK extra after the succession? ( )

However, the government's desire to provide Denmark's new royal couple with more funds does not resonate with all Danes. Not even close.

An opinion poll conducted by DR reveals:

• 48% of the respondents are 'completely opposed' or 'mostly opposed' to the idea of increasing the Royal House's annual budget.

• 27% of the respondents are 'completely opposed' to the idea of increasing the Royal House's annual budget and the total annual subsidy to the Royal House should not be raised.

• 21% of the respondents are 'mostly opposed'.

• 6% of the respondents are 'in favor' and 14% are 'mostly in favor' of raising the annual budget for the Royal House.

• 24% of the respondents were neither 'in favor' nor 'opposed'.


Significantly different from other polls


The Royal House enjoys broad support among the population, but this poll stands out significantly from other opinion polls regarding the royals, according to DR's history and royal correspondent, Cecilie Nielsen.

- Danes may like the Royal House, but they are not in agreement about the idea of spending more money, even though it is likely that this will be passed today, she says.


The poll shows




Just under half of Danes do not believe the Royal House's annual budget should be increased.



The government's proposed legislation aims to secure the Royal House's economy, as stated by the Prime Minister earlier.

- We have a king and a royal family that we can be proud of, and that represents us in the finest way possible. We want to create the framework for this to continue in the future, she said.

Also read: Wammen promises a more expensive Royal House with Frederick on the throne ( )

The government also plans to have the state take over the maintenance of the Royal House's castles and palaces from the inside, as they are considered national cultural heritage. However, it is still uncertain how much this task will cost the state if the government's proposal is passed.

The government also plans to give Crown Prince Christian an annual subsidy of 7 million DKK when he establishes his own household. At that point, King Frederick's state subsidy will decrease by 4 million DKK. Additionally, the government plans to give Queen Margrethe an annual subsidy of 12 million DKK to maintain her own court, even though she is no longer the regent. (Photo: © Ida Marie Odgaard, Ritzau Scanpix)

If the bill is passed, the extra funds will be allocated retroactively from February 1 of this year, and any payments made before the law takes effect will be adjusted accordingly, according to the government.

The Royal House reported a deficit of around one million DKK last year, according to the 2023 annual report.

In 2022, the Royal House reported a deficit of over 8 million DKK.

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