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The shooting of Mia Skadhauge Stevn: It was explained by Thomas Thomsen.

DR-Inland in Denmark

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 • 12:38 PM UTC - in Denmark

Thomas Thomsen has given his explanation in the Mia Skadhauge Stevn case at the Vestre Landsret in Viborg over the past two days.

The 38-year-old electrician, who was found guilty of manslaughter, attempted rape, and desecration of a corpse last year, has had disagreements regarding the way he has been cited in the original trial.

In addition, he has had disagreements with the prosecutor's formulations. DR was present in the courtroom.

From the prosecution's side, there was a focus on new things in the landsret - among other things, the 38-year-old's explanation about why Mia Skadhauge Stevn ended up in his bedroom at the Flauenskjold house.

> If she had asked me to stop, I would have certainly let her out. In the car I had, you could only open the door, and the car would stop

> Thomas Thomsen

DNA from Mia Skadhauge Stevn has been found on the inner side of the door handle.

According to Thomas Thomsen, he, when he arrived at his house driving, heard a sound from Mia Skadhauge Stevn in the trunk. He interpreted it as a possible breath, and therefore wanted to bring her inside and lay her properly in the passenger seat. He did not want to lay her on the floor, as the old house's floor was cold, so he carried her into his bed. And that's why Mia Skadhauge Stevn's DNA ended up on the inner side of the door handle, he explained.

- If you think about it, she couldn't have been locked in the bedroom, he exclaimed on his own initiative, addressing the prosecutor.

Many mourned the 22-year-old Mia Skadhauge Stevns death in February 2022. (Photo: © Henning Bagger/Scanpix Ritzau)


She could have stepped out, he thinks


During the appeal proceedings, Thomas Thomsen's explanation from the district court was read aloud in the landsret.

He was then given the opportunity to speak again, which he agreed to – and here it came out that there were several things from the district court's referral that the 38-year-old electrician believes are misleading in relation to reality.

For example, he has told:


In the district court's referral, he is quoted as saying, "I'm good at first aid." In connection with the fact that he did not render first aid to Mia Skadhauge Stevn, when she fell in Hammer Bakker and sustained a fatal injury to her neck, Thomas Thomsen in the landsret said that he was good at first aid back in 2007, when he received his first first aid certificate. But it was because he spent the entire evening studying. He also took a first aid course in 2018. But here he said that everyone who attended passed. Therefore, he does not consider himself capable of first aid today – or that night, Mia Skadhauge Stevn died.


Thomas Thomsen denied an account from an ex-girlfriend, who in the district court reported that the 38-year-old had chained her to a radiator with handcuffs against her will. But it's a lie, he said. Handcuffs have never been used for anything sexual, but were bought for role-playing games years ago.

Police were massively present in Thomas Thomsen's hometown, Flauenskjold, in North Jutland in 2022. (Photo: © Henning Bagger/Ritzau Scanpix)


He also explained a number of the encrypted folders found on his computer. Folders contained image files and were named with women's names, place names, and in some cases the word "luskeri" – for example, "luskeri Sæby". Thomas Thomsen explained that the folders in reality contained text files that he had saved as images – that is, not "real" images. Some of the folders were named "luskeri" because he had a part-time job at Sæby Camping Ground at one point. Here, there was an episode where some girls said there was a man in the woods who looked like a blanket from a distance. After this episode, he began to note if he saw anything suspicious or if someone ran away from a place. It was noted in a document, which he converted to an image and saved in the encrypted folders. The police have not been able to gain access to the folders.


Thomas Thomsen denied having recorded a video for a former colleague of a woman who was raped in a dentist's chair.


Thomas Thomsen answered all of the prosecutor's questions calmly, quickly, and very detailed. He also corrected the prosecutor several times from the witness stand. For example, regarding the GPS data that shows he made stops in Hammer Bakker. He disagrees that he made three "stops." He considers one of them to be a "hold," as it was a short stop.


There was also a discussion between the 38-year-old and the prosecutor about what "a quagmire" is. According to Thomas Thomsen, Mia Skadhauge Stevn fell in Hammer Bakker that night. In the fall, she – according to him – was seriously injured because her bag was stuck in something "quagmire" in the forest floor. The prosecutor showed a picture of a bush. But that's not what the 38-year-old meant by a quagmire. It was much smaller and deeper in the forest, he explained.


Together with his lawyer Mette Grith Stage, Thomas Thomsen also went into dispute with the transcript from the district court. Here it states that Mia Skadhauge Stevn in the car should have said that she should be driven "home" – that is, to her residence. But that's not what they were talking about, the 38-year-old said. They were talking about him driving her "somewhere," not necessarily to her residence.

Apart from these points, Thomas Thomsen stuck to his explanation from the district court.

You can read more about it below.

Thomas Thomsen is sentenced to detention for the murder of Mia Skadhauge Stevn (

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