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From three to four 'Thursday nights': In Randers, they can both recruit and retain nurses.

DR-Inland in Denmark

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 • 12:41 PM UTC - in Denmark

Today, the hospital in Randers will perform four knee surgeries. First, two whole ones, then a half-sized one the size of a large one, and finally, one more whole one.

Every Wednesday, Regionshospitalet in Randers prioritizes knee surgeries on a so-called fast-track schedule, enabling them to perform four instead of the usual three per week.

The reason for this is that the hospital has managed to recruit and retain the desired anesthesia nurses. They are responsible for monitoring and treating vital functions such as breathing and oxygen supply while the patient is under anesthesia.

"It means a lot that we have influence over when and how we work, and we have something we call a wish list," says Fatima Krogsgaard Skov, anesthesia nurse and union representative.

Patient Iver Hvidtfeldt has benefited from this.

- My surgery went absolutely fantastic. It's overwhelming. They are so professional and kind, he says.

Annette Johnsen, an oversight nurse and leader on the anesthesia ward, also sees a significant advantage for patients, as the extra knee surgery per week has made a dent in the waiting list.

- We no longer have to cancel patients due to a lack of anesthesia nurses, and that's a fantastic feeling, she says.

According to anesthesia nurse and union representative Fatima Krogsgaard Skov, this is partly due to a good work environment and good management.

She experiences how the typical vicious circle of work pressure, unfilled positions, sick calls, delayed operations, waiting lists, more pressure, and more absence has been broken at Regionshospitalet in Randers.

- When the foundation is in order, we can build on top and prioritize what matters for being a good workplace. In particular, the fact that we are the ones who start the day off well, she says.


Family life should also be prioritized


Just as the collegial atmosphere matters for job satisfaction and the possibility of recruiting and retaining the desired anesthesia nurses, so do the managers play an important role.

- We have a really good management that supports us and ensures that work and private life can be combined despite shifting schedules. It means a lot that we have influence over when and how we work, and we have something we call a wish list, explains Fatima Krogsgaard Skov.

Oversight nurse and leader on the anesthesia ward Annette Johnsen sees a significant advantage for patients, as the extra knee surgery per week has made a dent in the waiting list. (Photo: © Thomas Schmidt Nørgaard)

The wish list is evident on Chief Annette Johnsen's computer screen, where the Excel spreadsheet glows in many different colors, which she and management are attuned to the significance of.

- There is a great deal of freedom within the employee group to accommodate work-life balance. For example, some have children every other week and want to take time off, and we make it work. It's a big puzzle to put together, but it always works because we have the will to make it happen, she says.


Cheaper to do it yourself than a private hospital


It's not just the employees and patients who are happier with the sufficient personnel. The extra operation per week also benefits the ligament, according to Chief of Orthopedic Surgery Michael Tjørnild.

- We primarily use our most experienced personnel with well-defined collaboration agreements, and with a little extra effort, we can get 33% more through, he says.

It also shows economically:

- Our total costs for the extra surgeries, including additional staff, are cheaper than if we had sent the patients to a private hospital, he explains.

Regionshospitalet in Randers expects to be able to perform 180 more artificial knees and hips in 2024 than previously anticipated.

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