New Limfjord connection secures jobs for many unemployed.
DR-Inland in Denmark
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 • 11:32 AM UTC - in Denmark
A third Limfjords crossing at Aalborg is set to secure jobs for many unemployed
(Photo: © Map: Google Maps Graphic: Søren Winther Nørbæk) 52 minutes ago
When the shovel goes into the ground, and the large machines are ready to start work for the next year, nearly as many jobs could be created as there have been estimates for the third Limfjords crossing over the small Limfjords island of Egholm.
It is still not clear who will get the contract and lead the project, but regardless of who gets the bid, the construction will create a dent in the unemployment rate in North Jutland.
"It's perfect, as there's some time before they get started," says Dan Oxholm, Chairman of the Regional Labor Market Council in North Jutland.
He believes this. When the work on the controversial connection begins, there will undoubtedly be jobs in North Jutland.
There are nearly 10,000 full-time unemployed in North Jutland, and some of them will contribute to the new Limfjords crossing, which, according to plans, will be completed around ten years from now.
Politicians are excited, but the waiting time is 'perfect'
There was great joy and broad smiles among both Transport Minister Thomas Danielsen and Aalborg Mayor Lasse Frimand Jensen when a large majority in Parliament passed the bill for the Limfjords crossing over Egholm on Wednesday.
And many of the happy, political voices were eager to get started, but for the Regional Labor Market Council, there's no rush.
"It's perfect that there's some time before they get started," says Dan Oxholm.
The waiting time before setting the project in motion will be used by Dan Oxholm and his colleagues to talk to the people who will be at the forefront of establishing the new motorway.
"The long planning horizon allows us to talk to entrepreneurs and hear what is needed, whether we have it on hand or whether we need to train some of the full-time unemployed," he says.
Dan Oxholm compares this case to the closure of Danish Crown's slaughterhouse in Sæby, where a large part of the laid-off employees were re-trained and sent to other jobs.
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