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The minister refuses no more places on the North Jutland medical training: Will go into dialogue with the university.

DR-Inland in Denmark

Friday, July 26, 2024 • 5:30 PM UTC - in Denmark

Thursdays at midnight, 195 applicants were accepted into the medical program at Aalborg University – but the university had to disappoint over 300 applicants who had made it their first priority.

The university doesn't have to be this way – Aalborg University actually has room for 250 students in the program, but due to a doctor shortage in North Jutland, Aalborg University cannot fully utilize its capacity.

However, this may change in the future.

Education and Research Minister Christina Egelund (M) does not rule out granting Aalborg University more places in the medical program.

> "I fully agree that it's a good idea to train doctors in the areas of the country where they are needed," Christina Egelund, Education and Research Minister (M) said.

Anne-Marie Kanstrup, provost at Aalborg University, would like to see the university receive more places in the medical program. (Photo: © Aalborg University)

And Aalborg University can already increase enrollment if given the green light by the ministry, according to provost Anne-Marie Kanstrup.

"We have had the medical program at Aalborg University since 2010, we have trained over 600 doctors, and we have the capacity to expand," she said.


Newly graduated doctors stay in the region


Since Aalborg University began training doctors, more than 80 percent of the newly graduated doctors have remained in Region North Jutland, according to the university's own figures.

Therefore, Aalborg University also believes that more places for them could help solve the doctor shortage in Region North Jutland – and for Christina Egelund, that makes perfect sense.

> "I fully agree that it's a good idea to train doctors in the areas of the country where they are needed," she said.


195 accepted for 179 places


Aalborg University has accepted 195 students into the medical program, but only has 179 places available.

There are always some students who do not accept the place they have been offered, and the university therefore accepts more students than there are places.

The number of extra students accepted is based on the number of dropouts in the past three years.

If the number of students starting the program exceeds the number of available places, Aalborg University will be financially penalized.

The Education and Research Minister will not, however, grant more places in the North Jutland medical program.

- Exactly what the conclusion will be of the dialogue between the ministry, Aalborg University, and health authorities, I cannot yet say," said Christina Egelund and continued:

- Of course, that's something we're looking at, so we have the doctor coverage we need," she said.

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