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Local politician has asked lawyers to examine if his own commune should compensate residents for flooding.

DR-Inland in Denmark

Tuesday, October 01, 2024 • 1:05 PM UTC - in Denmark

Social democrat politician in Vejle asks lawyers to examine if commune should compensate residents for flood damages

The Social Democrats in Vejle Municipality want to investigate the commune's responsibility towards residents whose homes were damaged by floods.

Group leader for the Social Democrats in Vejle Municipality, Martin Sikær, has asked lawyers in the commune to look into the possibility of compensation. He believes the commune has been too passive.

[Image: Water in the central Vejle streets on Friday evening, September 28, around 20:00 (Photo: (C) DR)]

[Image: Photo by Steffen Terpling - DR]

[Image: Photo by Steffen Terpling - DR]

[Image: Photo: (C) DR]

[Image: Photo by Steffen Terpling - DR]

[Image: Photo: (C) DR]

1 / 6 [Image: Water in the central Vejle streets on Friday evening, September 28, around 20:00 (Photo: (C) DR)] 1 / 6 [Image: Photo by Steffen Terpling - DR] 2 / 6 [Image: Photo by Steffen Terpling - DR] 3 / 6 [Image: Photo: (C) DR] 4 / 6 [Image: Photo by Steffen Terpling - DR] 5 / 6 [Image: Photo: (C) DR] 6 / 6


Commune has been too slow


Friday saw central Vejle flooded after heavy rain. Several homes and shops were inundated with rain and sewage water, causing significant damage. In February, a similar incident occurred, and residents also suffered from water in their homes.

At that time, several recommendations were made to prevent water from flowing into the streets and homes. This includes excavating Omløbsåen.

However, this has not been done yet, and Martin Sikær believes it is not good enough.

- We haven't done it. And therefore, it should not come as a surprise to anyone in Vejle Municipality that this could happen again, he says.


What is the commune's responsibility?


Martin Sikær, therefore, took action and asked lawyers in Vejle Municipality to look into the commune's responsibility and the possibility of compensation for damages suffered by residents.

He is aware that he himself is part of the responsibility. He leads the Social Democrat group, which has nine out of 31 seats. Therefore, he will have the lawyers examine whether residents who had water in their homes can receive compensation.

- I think it's fair to have this examined, whether we have acted responsibly in Vejle Municipality, and I actually believe that something suggests that we have, he says.


Excavation work has already begun


The mayor of Vejle is Jens Ejner Christensen from the Liberal Party. He agrees that the commune has been too slow in implementing measures to prevent water from flowing into the streets and homes. So, more action is needed, he thinks.

- The strategies we have had on this have not been sufficient, he says.

Already on this day, the commune is working on implementing some of the measures designed to prevent water from flowing into the streets. Sand will be excavated from Omløbsåen to allow more water to flow through it.

The mayor has no comment on Martin Sikær's wish for lawyers to examine whether residents can be compensated for damages related to the floods.

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