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More charging stations, but also more electric cars: There can be competition for the charging points in North Jutland.

DR-Inland in Denmark

Tuesday, July 09, 2024 • 5:45 PM UTC - in Denmark

Many more charging stations have been added, but also many more electric cars are competing for charging points in North Jylland. If the many summer visitors in the North Jylland region do not have good 'charging etiquette,' they may experience 'charging stress.' This is what Illyas Dogru, a consumer economist at FDM, states.

In communes such as Hjørring, Frederikshavn, and Aalborg, which all attract many tourists, there has been a doubling of the number of charging stations, but according to Illyas Dogru, they are inadequately distributed – and there have also been many more electric cars added to the competition for charging spots.

"We need to plan a little better if, for example, you're planning a trip to Skagen this summer in your electric car," Illyas Dogru, a consumer economist at FDM, advises.

According to the consumer economist, it is essential to consider others who also need electricity, so one should not unnecessarily linger at a charging station.


Electric cars are generally on the rise, according to FDM statistics.


As of June 30, 2024, there were 261,474 electric cars in Denmark.


At the same time in 2023, the number was 146,245.


In 2022, the number was significantly lower, with only 88,330 electric cars.


The number of charging points is also increasing significantly.


By the end of March in the year, there were approximately 21,000 publicly accessible charging points in Denmark.


This is nearly a doubling from the same time last year.


By the end of March month in the year, there were 10.7 electric cars per publicly accessible charging point, which is the lowest number of electric cars per charging point since March 2021, when there were significantly fewer electric cars on the roads.

Source: FDM and Transport Ministry calculations based on data from Statistics Denmark and ChargeX Analytics


Charging stations are important for tourism


Thousands of tourists from Denmark, Norway, and Germany come to North Jylland every year to spend their summers on activities ranging from swimming to hiking. But for this to continue, the number of 'safe harbors' for electric car drivers with 'range anxiety' and 'charging stress' must keep pace with the number of electric cars on the roads. This is what the tourism director for Visit Nordwest Coast, which covers the west coast from Thorsminde to Tversted, believes.

- We see that more and more of our guests are coming in electric cars, and if this trend continues in the future, it's important that our charging infrastructure keeps up with the development, says Peter Krusborg.

- There's a need for the charging infrastructure to keep up if North Jylland is to continue to attract tourists in electric cars, as the Norwegians, for example, are particularly fond of, says Peter Krusborg. (Photo: © Destination Nordwest Coast)

He emphasizes that a significant portion of both the turnover and jobs in, for example, Jammerbugt Municipality, which has tourist attractions such as Blokhus and Svinkløv, come from tourism. And if tourists are to find their way to North Jylland, they must have ample opportunity to charge their electric cars. One of the Norwegians who has found his way to North Jylland in an electric car is Kjetil Sletten. He has been forced to spend a little more time planning how to get through the summer with a charged electric car.

- We need to plan a little better, which we don't usually have to do in Norway, where there are plenty of fast chargers, but here in Denmark, there aren't enough charging stations, and many of the ones that are there aren't powerful enough, says Kjetil Sletten.

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